Unread message: Choices Choices Choices

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Choices Choices Choices

It is said that “When you have to make a choice and you don't make it, that is in itself a choice.” Obviously some of our minor choices can't change the outcome of our lives, and so they do not affect us much. But if we make wrong choices pertaining major issues, the choice changes course of your entire life. And that's why the question 'Why did i make such a bad choices in life?' is predominately particular time in our lives. If you hear anybody utter such a statement, errors in their own judgment inevitably caused their lives to never be the same again

The really big choices that we make such as addiction to to drugs, dropping out of school, performing an abortion, engaging into corrupt deals, watching pornography; eventual or instantly alters the course of our lives. Albert Einstein opined that there are an myriad number of Universes, each as a result of every possible choice we could have made in our lives. Maybe according to your choices in youth you could have been a famous scientist, or a famous athlete, or a multi-billionaire, or even the world's most wanted thief/terrorist!

Choices; big or small truly defines who we are. We are the sum total of every choice we made. Maybe your father made a conscious choice to amass some courage and talk to your mother; a woman he had been silently admiring for years. Several years later you came screaming into the world. You are reading this blog because you chose to click that link.

But how do we know which are the right choices? Is there even such a thing as a bad choice? A bad choice could as well turn out to be a right one in the long-run. Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good, for those that love God and are the called according to His purposes. Maybe you got infected with aids in order to give hope to aids victims at the verge of suicide, maybe you got addicted to drugs to be admitted to that rehab in order to meet the love of your life there, maybe that choice to abort a pregnancy made you an anti-abortion activist to fight against this social evil.

May be, like me you probably have a number of crucial choices to make this year. Choices that will determine the course your life will take. Choices like who to marry, the career to take, the number of children to sire and such will alter the course of your life differently.

As Roy Disney once said It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. Vision and passion are the core values. If you value these two in life, i can bet your choices will be right always. Passion is that ingredient that makes transformation possible. It resides in the hidden places of the heart. The transformative process begins with the invisible. Remember that passion is not skill. Skill provides you with options. Passion makes you choose correctly and pushes you to pursue that option.

So in the remaining portion of this year, remember passion inspires motion. Dig into your heart, soul and mind, see what keeps you up till late at night, What you can't stop talking about, What annoys you the most, What brightens you up the most, that which gives you bright prospect and keeps you optimistic, that which seems to work positively always-----pursue this and i bet you'll never regret.

Have the audacity to make tough choices, the wisdom to make good ones, the perseverance to overcome the bad ones, and the patience to wait for others to choose for you.

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